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Zeile 14: Zeile 14:  
An Entelodon goes on the rampage down Oxfor Street causing untold damage and loss of life, and Cutter decides a new approach to tackling the anomalies is needed. When a mysterious Russian scientist arrives at the ARC, Cutter thinks he might have found the answer...
An Entelodon goes on the rampage down Oxfor Street causing untold damage and loss of life, and Cutter decides a new approach to tackling the anomalies is needed. When a mysterious Russian scientist arrives at the ARC, Cutter thinks he might have found the answer...
Kidnapped and smuggeled into Siberia, Cutter, Abby and Connor are faced with an anomaly disaster on an epic scale... While Lester and Jenny must work together to try to track them down.
Kidnapped and smuggeled into Siberia, Cutter, Abby and Connor are faced with an anomaly disaster on an epic scale... While Lester and Jenny must work together to try to track them down.
